County postal championship WA900 Results

Greetings !
Please find attached the preliminary results for the County postal championship WA900. The scores will also be used, where possible, for an inter-county 3-way competition with Bucks and Northants. Suzi and Terry will take over for that part I hope.
Please check that I have correctly recorded your club’s archers’ scores. I may have the age group as “senior” when it may be “50+”.
For some reason we didn’t record “hits”, never mind.
What is pleasing is that 42 archers got involved. To those who took part, “thank you” and do now consider shooting for your County again when the requests go out.
Awards will be presented at the AGM in November.
Take care and enjoy the remainder of the outdoor season.
Best wishes

Diary Dates, Updates and Thanks

Dear County Archers.

A few dates for your diary, updates and thanks

Firstly a thank you to Carl and Kestrels for the county get together last Saturday. Despite the cold we had an enjoyable morning, with the 3 dozen arrows mini competition and then the H2H. Which it seems everybody taking part enjoyed, so much so we will repeat at the next CAGT. Many thanks to Pat and Brian for conducting the shooting, taking everybody through the procedures for a record status tournament. Also thanks to the experienced archers and coaches for attending and giving advise.

Beds V Northants Frostbite.

Please see the attached results. It seems honours even with both the counties taking 4 disciplines each. Northants taking the overall win with the points tally. Well done everybody who submitted scores. We will beat them.

Future Events

18th May. County Archery Get Together (CAGT). Clophill`s field. 9.30 for 10.00am start. Contact Terry Course, for more information or to let the team management know you will be there. Experienced archers and coaches needed as well.

9th June. Ivy Keating at Long Buckby. Details to be confirmed. Please let us know if you are available.

29th June. CAGT. County club needed to organise. Please contact Brian Dunlop to confirm his availability.

13th July CAGT. Clophill`s field. 9.30 for 10.00am start. Contact Terry Course, for more information or to let the team management know you will be there. Experienced archers and coaches needed as well.

21st July Beds V North Herts Details to be confirmed. Please let us know if you are available.

14th Sept CAGT. County club needed to organise. Please contact Brian Dunlop to confirm his availability.

24th November. Beds County Indoor Championships. First session Beds V Northants. Please let us know of your availability.

I think that will do for now. Looking forward to seeing you all on the 18th.

Suzi & Terry AKA The Management

2024 Postal Frostbite V Northants Including Northants

Woodside Worcester March 2024 – results

Greetings !
Here are the preliminary results. Please check this agrees with what you sent me.
So, five of our eight clubs participated with 57 archers involved.
The juniors and seniors are lumped together as the juniors can hold their own against allcomers. Well done!
If you are the highest scorer in your discipline and age group you may wish to contact Martin Gascoigne, the County Records Officer, and claim a postal county record.
Thanks to you and your clubmates for taking part in this year’s event.
Looking forward to the outdoor season and other county-wide events.

Beds Woodside 14y Worcester 2024 results version 1