County Team

The county team is managed by Terry Course and Suzi Bredin. They can be contacted at, or through your Club County Team Representative.

If you’re interested in shooting for our county please make sure your Club County Team Representative has a copy of any recent competition results. If you don’t have any results and would like to be considered, let your Club Team Rep know and you will be invited to attend the team ‘get-together’ days.

This year, 2020, there will be get-togethers in April, two in May, one in July and one in August (dates to be confirmed) where you shoot an age-appropriate round. Coaches will be available at these events to guide and assist.

The criteria to be selected for the team is as follows:

  • The ability to reach to distances at which the county tournaments are run, i.e. York/Hereford – Gents 100 yards and Ladies 80 yards or a WA1440 – Gents 90m and Ladies 70m along with age-appropriate distances for Juniors.
  • Presentation of scores to your club team reps or directly to the team managers from any recent outdoor tournaments you’ve attended (shot in the previous 12 months).
  • Scores from any recent indoor rounds shot under competition conditions, again presented through your Club Team Rep or direct to the managers.
  • Attend at least one of the ‘get-together’ sessions so as many of the team as possible have an opportunity to meet up, have fun, shoot some arrows and share knowledge and advice with the less experienced which in turn will give them an opportunity to see how it’s done by the experts and increase their confidence and desire to be on the team and representing our county.

“The Management” will try and get as many as possible of the upcoming dates for the inter-county matches to be held throughout the year as soon as they can, so you can check your diaries for availability. They will also be posting on the website the ‘get-together’ dates and details as well as sending the info to your Club County Team Representative.

Thank you for your time and happy shooting

Terry and Suzi
County Team Managers