Bedfordshire County Archery Association is an association of member clubs which share assets, activities, tournaments and resources for the joint benefit of the member clubs. There are also a small number of individual members and honorary members.
All clubs are affiliated to Archery GB and SCAS (Southern Counties Archery Society). The member clubs are listed in the tabs on the left (click tab for more details):
Clophill Archery Club
Club Website:
Outside Venue
Braziers Field, Kiln Lane, Clophill
Tuesdays: 6pm to sunset, Thursdays: 6pm to sunset
Inside Venue:
Alameda Sports Hall, Woburn Street, Ampthill
Archery Styles: Compound, Recurve, Barebow and Longbow
Club Information: Clophill AC has been established for over 40 years and is affiliated to the
Bedfordshire County Archery Association (BCAA), the Southern Counties Archery Society (SCAS) and to the Grand National Archery Society (GNAS), which is the national body.
Members of Clophill AC are lucky enough to have the use of their own field for practice and competitions. In winter we shoot indoors at the Alameda Sports Hall.
Some of our members shoot at national, county and local levels whilst others simply shoot for pleasure. Whatever level you decide to shoot at you are sure to enjoy the social side of the club, with regular fun shoots, barbeques, a Christmas party and dinner just a few of the activities on offer thanks to the efforts of our dedicated social secretary!
The club has members with a vast wealth of experience. If as a member you need help, there is always someone willing to assist, you only have to ask. The membership fees to the club are one of the lowest in the area. To finance our activities, we hold a number of very popular events including several world record and UK record status tournaments throughout the year.
Juniors Policy: The minimum age for juniors is 9. All under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or other adult, who is responsible for the junior’s safety and behaviour.
Beginners Courses: Beginners course are run twice a year at our field, in April and June. They are often full, so booking in advance is advisable. See for details, or contact
Dunstable Bowmen
Club Website:
Outside Venue: Our field at the London Gliding Club, Tring Road, Dunstable, Beds LU6 2JP
Inside Venue: Manshead School, Dunstable Road, Caddington, Beds Lu1 4BB
Archery Styles: unspecified by club, contact them for more information.
Club Information: Our members are from 10 years old and older. Some people come for a shoot and a chat, some like to take part in County and National competitions.
Juniors Policy: Juniors ie. 10 to 18 year olds are encouraged to take part in competitions.
Beginners Courses: We have Beginners courses in May and Have a go events in April and September.
Hawks Archery
Why not come along and see us? Have a chat and see if we can help you. We are always pleased to offer advice on archery and equipment.
Kestrels Archery Club
Club Website:
Outdoor Venue : Our idyllic outdoor shooting venue is located out in the fields in Furzenhall Road, Biggleswade.
During the Outdoor season from April to September we have unlimited access to this so you may find archers shooting at any time, especially when the sun is shining. Our club evenings are Tuesday and Thursday and you will also find us on the shooting field on Sunday afternoons.
Indoor Venue : We shoot indoors during the winter at Sandy Upper School on a Saturday evening.
Club Information : Formed in 1980, Kestrels is a well established target archery club based in the market towns of Biggleswade and Sandy in Bedfordshire. The club caters for all ages from 9 to 109, from people who want to shoot for fun to competitive tournament archers and all bow types are welcome (except crossbows). We have a number of GNAS qualified coaches who can provide coaching and assistance to archers of all capabilities.
We run 4 or 5 have-a-go events at various fetes and summer events during the year in the local area and are also able to cater to groups who wish to come and try archery at our outdoor venue.
During the year we organise 2 indoor and 2 outdoor open competitions during the year which attracts archers of all ages and abilities from far and wide.
Beginners Courses : We try to run 2 courses for beginners during the year. These are held on the Saturday and Sunday of 2 consecutive weekends. New members may borrow club equipment for shooting until they feel confident and able to buy their own kit. We provide regular coaching to new members.
One Nation Archery Club
Club Website:
Venue: Denbigh High School in Luton on Thursday evenings from 8pm until 10pm
(Separate shooting sessions for Men and Women – contact ONAC for details)
Club Information: Archery Styles: Freestyle, Barebow, Traditional
Beginners Courses: Courses normally take place at weekends and comprise two sessions of 4 – 5 hours. All equipment and insurance cover is provided, together with light refreshments. The objective of the course is to provide you with a comprehensive introduction to modern archery. Details of upcoming courses and fees can be found on the ONAC website. You can also enquire about course availability by e-mailing
Ouse Valley Archers
Club Website:
Venue: Putnoe Primary School, Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0DH
There is a 20m gymnasium for indoor shooting and large field at the rear of the school were we can shoot up to 100 yards.
Sessions: Sundays 2pm until 4pm, Thursdays 79m until 9pm
Archery Styles: Recurve, Compound, Barebow, Longbow
Club Information: Ouse Valley Archers was formed in 1995. Based at Putnoe Primary School in Bedford, we enjoy an indoor and outdoor range and promote the sport of archery, welcoming archers from inexperienced beginners to seasoned competitors. The club encourages archers of many different styles including recurve, compound, barebow and longbow, though the majority of the archers shoot recurve or barebow.
Contact: – The club runs beginners course throughout the year
Pepperstock Archers
Club Website:
Summer Venue: Slip End Playing field, Slip End, Bedfordshire
Winter Venue: Houghton Regis Leisure Centre, Parkside Drive, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire
Club Information: We are a friendly, welcoming archery club in the heart of Bedfordshire, catering to all ages, abilities and bowstyles. Whether you are an old hand or a beginner, shooting casually or working on your technique, our club will have what you need to reach your goals. We shoot year-round between our indoor and outdoor locations, with regular club and postal competitions and beginners courses.
St Neots Bowmen
Club Website:
We organise club shoots where we shoot scoring rounds to Archery GB rules 5 times every week, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Outside of these club shoots members can use both ranges for practice.